Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today was a good day. I had a smooth day at work, which always makes the day go by faster. Then after work, I came home and started getting ready to go to the Art Center of the Ozarks Annual 5x5 Art Show. It is a showing of 5x5 canvases that people all around the area basically do anything artistically to them that they want. It is really interesting. Stewart came with me, and we had a great time. He, of course, loved all of the food that Harrison made. Especially the candied bacon.. oh, my.. it was delicious. Harrison also made sweet potato hummus.. I need to get that recipe. It was such a savory and sweet dip. Oh! And he made this awesome roasted red pepper soup.. Mmmm.. He does such a great job cooking. I told Stewart that Harrison is the best cook I have ever met. The perks of having a chef as a friend are pretty awesome. He is also the one that got us the tickets for the show. (Thanks, Harrison!) His sweet little wife, Kelly, was there as well. I always enjoy chatting with her. They are so cute.

After the art show, Stew and I went by Hasting's just to wander around the entertainment world. We looked at some CD's, magazines and then Stew looked at a couple books. I loved that Stew and I were reading our own little magazines, mine was music based, and his was science, and we would pause every so often to tell each other something we found interesting. I love times like that. I need to subscribe to Rolling Stone. I always enjoy reading it. (Dear Santa, I would like a subscription to Rolling Stone. Thank you!) I was going to buy a CD, but I was being too indecisive. I hate buying CD's without knowing I would love them entirely. So, I will have to do some research on a couple band's new CD's to see what I like.

Then, after our wandering about.. We decided it was finally time to head home. We had some good conversations on the way home. Just about how we both soak up life. I love that about him, and I love that I can tell him things like that and he gets it. I can tell him the smallest, most mundane thing, and he understands where I am coming from. Only a couple other people have ever been like that with me in my life, one of which is my mother. So, I feel pretty lucky to be able to have that person in my life that understands me. It really is such a comforting feeling.

Anyways, I am off to bed. Work in the morning. Goodnight.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your day was good and that you like who you spent your evening with!
